How do I get .csv table view automatically in the file tab when opening?

I'm using code to generate a test .csv file in the project directory, then when I click to open the file, it opens as is if it's just text, as in, basically unreadable.

I see a little table icon show in the top right of the file tab content, and clicking that opens a window displaying the CSV content in a readable table. However, this table pop-up window is the only thing I can interact with; I can't work with any other windows or tabs in PHPStorm.

So, instead of being able to easily compare the results with something else, I have to take a screenshot. Really cumbersome.

Is there not some way to just have to file open in a tab that's already in table view? I've seen PHPStorm do something similar with other file types, like .xml or .xsd. I don't see why the table view can't just be in the file tab content pane.

I've already got CSV/TSV (.csv and .tsv) added in Preferences > Editor File Types (I think they were there by default), but I don't see how to do anything there but add/modify/delete/ignore file types, which isn't useful for me with this.

If there's no way to get the table view in a file tab automatically, then I guess the workaround is having the file open in my favorite CSV app...


Oh, also, when I right-click the file and select Open In, there's no option to choose an app like Windows and Mac have; just an option to open in a file explorer or CLI.


This is interesting.
As soon as I open at least one .csv file in a Table view, all succeeding .csv files are being opened in that view as well, even on new projects. However, I have PhpStorm 2022.3 installed already, probably it is something that has just been introduced. What IDE version do you have? 


How did that happen?!

Maybe I missed something in documentation somewhere..



I'm using Mac PhpStorm 2022.1.4.

It states the build number but it doesn't let me highlight it. I'd copy-paste the whole window but it contains PII and I'm not good at editing that out in a Mac image editor. Looks like I can click a Copy button to get all info to paste to a text editor to highlight things, but I don't know why JetBrains doesn't let us highlight anything there 😆 So many amazing features on these apps, so many random pointless limitations.

Build #PS-221.6008.16, built on July 20, 2022

I don't know how relevant that is... should we only be passing around the basic version number like I did initially?


Oh, I just noticed the orange up-arrow at the top right of my PHPStorm, indicating an update is available.

I used to get a pop-up window when I opened or went to the app... I don't know why that stopped happening. I also don't seem to get a little (less intrusive) pop-up at the bottom right about it... maybe that's only for project pop-ups?

I don't know why this got so hard recently 😆 Maybe updating will make mine work like yours does. Looks like the update is for 2022.3.



Just a gentle reminder, have you managed to install the PhpStorm 2022.3? Does it behave differently with the CSV files in your case?


I'm using version 2022.3.2 now. Most of my teammates unfortunately are using versions that are years old, so I get some friction between them just by updating.

When I open a CSV file now, it opens as text.

Now what?


Vadiru, could you please upload an example of this file to and provide the ID? Also, attach a screenshot of how it displays in the IDE.


I was having the same issue and I noticed there are tabs at the bottom of the csv viewer, with the ‘Text’ tab being the default selection for me. Selecting ‘Data’ shows the familiar tabular data editor view.



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