SQL Server update breaks DataGrip 2022.2.5, Invalid object name 'sys.database_service_objectives'


The database created a new SQL Server installation "to allow high-availability", but not sure what the details are.  The old installation worked flawlessly with Datagrip (and still does), but the new one has LOTS of problems, starting with the error in the title of this post.  It suggests that I use Azure database driver instead of SQLServer, but that doesn't help.  I can't get any databases to appear in the dropdown, it always says "Nothing to show".  Every refresh updates "master" but can't seem to find any of the other databases.  Just about anything I try gives a bunch of errors, such as these:



FYI here are the properties shown in SSMS for the new installation:



To continue troubleshooting your issue, please upload the following logs to uploads.jetbrains.com/:

1. idea log - Help - Show Log in Files
2. SQL Log - Help - Show SQL Login Files
3. Diagnostic refresh log

Provide the file id upon uploading. We'll have a look.


Experiencing the same problem with DataGrip Build #DB-232.8660.111, built on July 19, 2023.

It's suggesting I use the Azure driver, but that really doesn't work.  I just connected an hour ago, and it work, and now it isn't.


Hi Armtuk

To investigate this incident, please upload these logs onto our FTP server 

1. idea log - Help - Show Log in Files
2. SQL Log - Help - Show SQL Login Files
3. Diagnostic refresh log

We'll have a look.


I get a page not found for that FTP server link…

Sorry to hear, but there are no issues with our FTP server that we could indicate at this point. If the link is still not resolving in your browser, you can archive and email the logs to aleksandr.molchanov@jetbrains.com.

Let me know if this works.

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