Import {OPEN} from "./p5"; is giving an error

I’m trying to use the ARC() function with the ending optional OPEN constant. I’m getting the error:

“Uncaught SyntaxError: ambiguous indirect export: OPEN”

I’m using webStorm where I get this error inside the IDE. If I run my code in the p5 js editor I don’t see this error. So this must be an issue with webStorm somehow?

1 comment

This is a runtime error that occurs when running the application; so this can hardly be the IDE issue. Must be a problem with either the way you export/import modules or a command you use to run your code. Do you run it by right-clicking your .html file, or? What is a result of opening your file in browser (and not in the p5 editor)? The latter must pre-process your code somehow so that you don't get the errors that you would face when not using the dedicated editor


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