type ...%TYPE converted to ...
Hi all,
On postgresql
I would like to understand why after compilation the type is converted message
type reference mytable.code%TYPE converted to character varying
My source file (on DDL mapping) :
create or replace function myfunc(i_type mytable.mycolumn%TYPE) returns mytable.mycolumn2%TYPE
Generated Function (on database)
create function myfun(i_type_ character varying) returns bigint
Is it a features of IDEA or datafrip or Postgresql features
How to have my function mapped parameters not converted ?
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Just to make things clear: your problem is that when you create a function (in DataGrip or using other means), the return parameter type is converted into a different data type? If this is correct, can you provide an example of your scenario with a detailed explanation? We need to know the steps taken to reproduce it on our end.