New UI does not show full file path even with option explicitly enabled

As the title says, the new UI does not show the full file path.

In the old UI we could see the full current file path in the header:

However with the new UI enabled this is not possible. Even if you enable this option from Appearance in preferences it will not show.


The breadcrumb has been moved to the status bar; you can move it to the top position with View | Appearance | Navigator Bar | Top


FInally i've found the setting i was looking for

For those who are interested this is "Navigation bar". There are different places where you can place this widget. I'm so happy that i was able to find it


But this new breadcrubs are not the same that was before

For example i have not namespaced file as a config. And i don't see it's path like i was able before. What could i do with this?


Please could you share screenshots illustrating the issue?


Thank god there is an option to move it back at the top, hate spent time on simple things that were already handy.


Is there a way to have it start flush with the left border of the file tabs panel?

Currently it starts on the left side of the entire window, way far away from where my eye normally is when I want to know which exact file I'm looking at in a complicated repo.

I always look above the file for the path, and often there's just nothing there depending on how far right the file tab is, how short the path is, and how far open my Project panel is. It seems counter-intuitive and out of context to have it all the way back to the window edge since it's not a window feature, it's a file feature.


Vadiru  you can enable the “Always show full path in window header” in Settings | Appearance & Behavior | Appearance, UI Options to see the full path to the file in the dedicated widget in the main toolbar on top. 

It's also possible to hide the navigation bar via View > Appearance > Navigation bar > Don't show and invoke it with a shortcut (Alt+Home / Cmd+Up on Win / Mac), then it will appear near the caret in the active file.


Ekaterina Valeeva I know I can enable it. That was already described earlier in the thread. I wasn't asking how to enable it. Since I know how to enable it, I also know how to disable it. None of this was the issue I was describing.

Please address the issue I actually wrote.


Vadiru I filed a new issue to our tracker, feel free to upvote IJPL-164283 and follow it for updates.


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