Java Swing JTextPane in intellij framework
I'm creating a Pycharm Plugin with a simple JTextPane (plain text). If I paste (CTRL+V) a multi-line text into it, it always pastes it into a single line replacing any type of EOL to spaces. Also the keys HOME or END jump to the start or the end of the document, not start/end of a current line. Is there a way to set some property that this behavior changes?
If I use the JTextPane outside the intellij framework, everything works as expected. Do I need to change something in the EditorKit properties?
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Hi Miloslav,
It's hard to tell what is the reason. Is there any chance to share the project sources?
Also, depending on your use case, please consider using Editor Component.
Hi Karol,
I originally wanted to use the EditorTextField, because of the code completion. But the problem is, I need custom TransferHandler to drag&drop custom data. If I use setTransferHandler on the EditorTextField, nothing happens. Is there a way to implement my own Transfer handler and my own copy/paste actions?
I would try to implement
.You can check the example implementation that pastes Markdown markup when a file is dropped on the editor:
Hi Karol great, the paste function works perfect now.
But how about the drag-feature from the EditorTextField? Pycharm Editors have the drag feature - the text is cut and pasted. In my EditorText Field the dragging does not work. How do I do the dragging text from my editor somewhere else, which would perform copy. That is, it keeps the source content intact.