IDE blade reformatting breaks one line to two line
<option value="{{$prog->id}}">{{$prog->name}} v{{$prog->version}}</option>
i have a code line like this and it's output is like "program v1.2" but if i reformat the blade page it becoming like :
<option value="{{$prog->id}}">{{$prog->name}}
and it's output is "program v1.2" after getting the text of selected option. i cant trim spaces casuse cant know the the program name, it could be more than 1 word. How should i cancel this adding extra space chars. Thanks
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It looks like a line exceeds the hard wrap limit and the content moves to a new line.
There are a few ways:
- Increase Hard warp at in Preferences/Settings | Editor | Code Style | General.
- Enable Turn formatter on/off with markers <...> option in Preferences/Settings | Editor | Code Style | Formatter and add these comments in your code using this instruction:
I hope it helps.