Oleg Lemesenko
Yii2 Framework Support plugin developer
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Created Replacement from DataSourceUiUtil.performAutoSyncTask
AnsweredNow performAutoSyncTask in DataSourceUiUtil and DataSourceUtil deprecated and marked for removal. Any other suggestions on how to initiate a data source update from the plugin code? -
Created How to get icon of column or table in new Database plugin implementation?
In current EAP version Database plugin had changed a lot.Now, this code does not work: if (field instanceof DasColumn) { if (column instanceof DbColumnImpl) builder = builder.withIcon(... -
Created Is there is any way to emulate database in Db Connections in UnitTests?
Part of the functionality of my plugin uses database structure obtained from a database connection.To do Unit tests I create a fake database using code.But in last versions of Database plugin DataS... -
Created Project wise settings with PersistentStateComponent
AnsweredHi, I need to save settings separately for every project. I tried various combinations of annotations, but all the time settings are visible to all projects.How to save settings for every project s... -
Created Does this code access index (PHPStorm) ?
Does this code access PhpStorm Index ? ((VariableImpl) variable).resolve(); In general I need to find declaration of a variable to read some properties of it without using PhpStorm Index. -
Created How to get Parents of ClassReference without using index (PHPStorm)?
*PhpStorm relatedI am trying to implement PhpTypeProvider3.getType() method, where I evalute such expression // PHP languageAddress::find()->where('cond')->one() //returns ActiveRecord class, but ... -
Created How to set a type for a variable
I develop Yii2 plugin (PHP) and want to set variables' types for special cases. For example $obj = Yii::createObject(MyClassname::class);classObject returns Object according to PhpDoc, but in reali... -
Created Class definition not updated after PhpDoc modified
AnsweredClass definition updated with significant delay after I add @property PhpDoc attribute.Is that expected behavior? Example:https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1706065/24413293/4e58fdba-13db-... -
Created Special syntax in PhpDoc
Hi, we need functionality to process double brackets as @see annotation in PhpDoc. For example instead @see class::method we want to have [[class::method]] . This method is used in Yii framework an...