Bas Leijdekkers

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Created [ANN] Lysosome 1.0 -- A tiny caret movement plugin
Lysosome - A tiny caret movement plugin provides an easy way to jump to the start or the end of a selection. This is a tiny bit of ... -
Created What happened to <IDEA_HOME>/doc/openapi?
Where the documents that were in ]]>/doc/openapi go? Specifically I'm looking for ActionManager.xml, but plugins.html, readwriteactions.html and the examples were useful too.Bas -
Created SmartType completion for Exceptions
When I have the following code and | is the cursor, why doesn't SmartType completion (CtrlShiftSpace) suggest RuntimeException? Isn't this supposed to work?This behaviour is the same in both Pallad... -
Created [ANN] Inspection Gadgets 1.0.2 for Pallada
Hello all,I have added some more things to Dave Griffith's Inspection Gadgets. This version has been tested with IDEA #2013 and is only compatible with Pallada. You can download it here:http://www.... -
Created Inspection Gadgets for IDEA #2008
Hello all,I have made a build of the excellent Inspection Gadgets plugin for IDEA#2008. It took some time posting it here because of the 1 million bytes forum attachment limit. Inspection Gadgets i... -
Created Tabswitch plugin for #2008
Hi,I couldn't work without the TabSwitch plugin so I have fixed it for build 2008. Maybe somebody else will find it useful? You can find it attached to this message. BasAttachment(s):TabSwitch.jar -
Created NNTP not working again?
I can't access any of the intellij newsgroups via NNTP. "No space left on device writing logging article file -- throttling". There was a similar problem about two weeks ago. Does anybody else see ... -
Created news access not working?
I get "400 No space left on device writing SMstore file -- throttling" errors when I try to access Anybody else get this too, or is it a problem on my side?Bas -
Created SmartIntroduce bug
SmartIntroduce allows to select an illegal expression when used with array literals. This can produce code which does not compile. See the attached screen shot for an example.Attachment(s):smart_in... -
Created is this by design?
If I press Ctrl-Space in the following code IDEA appends "Foo" to the indentifier "bar". Pressing Ctrl-Space again, appends it again, and so on. I think this a bit strange as Foo cannot be resolved...