Imants Cekusins
- Total activity 410
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- Votes 15
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Edited plugin _ is incompatible with this installation
"plugin _ is incompatible with this installation" the above error message appears when trying to install a plugin. Any suggestions, where to start? -
Created static base path to resource files
is this possible to specify base path to resource files included in plugin jar - as static constant? -
Edited Gradle config for plugin
plugin code is organized in 2 projects: project Base refers to some code in intellij framework and some external libraries; is built to a local .jar project Plugin refers to project Base jar, intel... -
Created PsiParser - complex element
how should custom PsiParser implementation parse complex elements?let's say, bnf looks like this:xFile ::= line*line ::= KEYthere isXLineImpl extends ASTWrapperPsiElementyet there is no wrapper for... -
Created Formatter - indent
After following this tutorial: tweaking options, I can not figure out how to fine-tune indenting.a specific question would be:if ne... -
Created Quick Definition
How to implement / fine tune quick definition popup content?This is the popup accessible through main menu: View / Quick Definition.Currently the popup opens and displays the current line. I'll try... -
Created plugin.xml: import files
I am looking for ways to organize plugin.xml content.Is there a way to move parts of plugin.xml to separate .xml files and import these files to plugin.xml?Thank you very much! -
Created CachedValuesManager - simple example
is there any chance someone could post a basic (the most basic possible, barebones) complete working example ofset & get cached value with CachedValuesManager?Thank you very much! -
Created PsiElement.getReferences
could someone who knows (or believes to know :-P) the answer please clarify:PsiElement.getReferences should return:a) data about "this" element (possibly qualifiers + name)b) data about the declara... -
Created VariableInplaceRenameHandler - endless loop
trying to extend it.took the code from here: