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Edited How to display an ActionToolbar in a table cell ?
AnsweredSo I have code like this that works properly in almost every place I know off AnAction source = ActionManager.getInstance().getAction("my_group");source.getTemplatePresentation().putClientProperty(... -
Created `Too many non-blocking read actions submitted at once. Please use coalesceBy, BoundedTaskExecutor...` when using `MavenDomUtil.createDomDependency`
AnsweredI noticed in some case, IntelliJ report this error when adding Maven dependencies through `MavenDomUtil.createDomDependency` : java.lang.Throwable: Too many non-blocking read actions submitted at o... -
Created Flaky Listener Leak detected on interface DocumentListener
AnsweredHi there I have a test that relies on `HeavyPlatformTestCase`, however the test sometimes fails for reasons that escape me at this time. I suppose there's a timing issue around line status listener... -
Created Test fixture to mimic a gradle project
AnsweredHi, I'd like to discover the gradle version of a project in order to patch the gradle file with custom dependencies. However depending on the version of Gradle the dependency scope has to be be dec... -
Created shortenClassReferences does not "shorten" java.util.Collections
AnsweredHello. I am writing an intention that is adding some statements, these statements uses types from external library and some from the JDK (such as `java.util.Collections`). The types from the extern... -
Created Displaying modified indicator with custom editor (JCEF)
AnsweredHi I am struggling to get the modified indicator (the asterisk in the editor tab), with a custom editor (JCEF based). I know about `FileEditor.PROP_MODIFIED`, I have implemented the property chan... -
Created With split panes, toolbar action apply to the selected / active editor
AnsweredSuppose two diagrams are displayed side-to-side. Eg Here, the right editor is selected (notice the blue line on the editor tab). When toolbar icon is interacted on the right editor, the action wil... -
Created Documentation about JetBrains/rd (LifetimeDefinition, IPropertyView, etc)
AnsweredHi, I noticed some plugin using `rd` (Reactive Distributed) types. However I wasn't able to find any proper documentation. From what I think I understood from the project some of the Kotlin types a... -
Created Some classes decompiled (via custom `ClassFileDecompilers.Light`) produce `InvalidMirrorException: stub:[PsiMethod:Checker...`
AnsweredHello, I am developing jd-intellij, which is the IDEA integration of JD-Core, which is a java decompiler (you probably heard about JD-GUI). I identified a case, likely not the only one where Intell... -
Created Working with breakpoints in decompiled source
Hi,I'm one of the developper of JD-IntelliJ a Java Decompiler plugin for IntelliJ IDEA.Some of the users require the ability to set breakpoints in the decompiled source, see the #1 and #3 comments ...