Curtis Stanford
- Total activity 86
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Created Huge scary error importing sbt project
First time trying to import an sbt project. Not sure if sbt 0.13 is supported yet but I tried and got this error: -
Created Plugin doesn't install
The two latest plugin versions don't install correctly in the latest IntelliJ 12.The new version comes up in the update window but when you press the 'Update' button, nothing happens.This applies t... -
Created Can't auto import with 13 EAP
Using latest 13 EAP and scala plugin 0.10.279, I constantly get these errors when trying to auto import:Expected static method com.intellij.codeInsight.CodeInsightUtilBase.prepareFileForWrite(Lcom/... -
Created All EAPs do weird things
I've noticed that whenever I use an EAP version (any version) two things happen that don't happen with the non-EAP versions:1. I usually get red errors popping up when switching from one project to... -
Created Nightly 362 produces scala compile errors on Java only project
With the scala plug-in installed and a Java only project open, I get compile errors like those below. Disabling scala plugin fixes the problem.Information:Compilation completed with 27 errors and 5... -
Created Anyone using nightly with 2.10-RC1?
The plug-in has been working great for me so far. Today, I'm trying to switch to scala 2.10-RC1. I've already got around the problem with the reflect jar and I now have successful compiles in sbt a... -
Created Problem with new compiler option
I'm really excited about your new compiler architecture. I just tried out the Leda EAP and tried compiling a fairly large project using jdk 7 on my mac. This is what I get:java: Compilation failed:... -
Created Support for Groovy 2.0 static compilation
Is Jetbrains planning on supporting the static typing and static compilation features of Groovy 2.0? In particular, I'm thinking of type checking in the editors and showing red when types aren't co... -
Created Using modules for code splitting
Hi, I'm trying to reorganize my codebase into client, server and shared code. The code is all under the same src/ directory. I'd like to create client and server modules that I can run separately w...