Egor Ushakov
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Edited Method 'myStaticMethod' not found in string - how to annotate (or anything else?) calling method to get rid of it?
Hi! I have class hierarchy in which there is an abstract class (AbstractObject) with a static method returning an API entry point URI for asking it for objects of concrete type (say Address). This ... -
Edited No Command Line Tools item in Preferences
AnsweredHi! I want to add Composer through the Command Line Support but found out there is no such menu in my IDE. See the screenshot below. What's the problem? -
Edited Modify namespace on "Create New PHP Class"
Here is the case. I throw in code not declared exception. PhpStorm underlines it with yellow wave line. Alt+Enter - "Create class" and "Create New PHP Class" dialog window appears. I can point this... -
Edited What's wrong with my Composer workflow?
AnsweredHi! Looks like I misunderstood some concepts of working with Composer in PhpStorm. Here's the case. I work with legacy application and need to use Twig and PHPWord packages. When I install it ($ co... -
Created Custom line spacing dropped on line indentation
Strange behaviour of IDEA 14 noticed on OS X 10.9.5. I like Monaco font with 15 as its size and line spacing 1.2. But if I apply line indentation with Opt+Cmd+I shortcut line indentation jumps back... -
Created Where is "PHP Empty Project"?
Recently I switched from PhpStorm to IDEA and found out that there is no “PHP Empty project” option while creating new one. Only “Composer project” to choose that forces to install at least one... -
Created Black whitespaces with IdeaVIM turned ON
I'm starting using IdeaVIM with PhpStorm and PyCharm. While everything is OK in PyCharm, in PhpStrom I have a black whitespaces with IdeaVIM turned ON (see screenshot below). If I turn IdeaVIM OFF ... -
Created Exclude directory from project but display it in Project window
I have ‘cache’ directory in my PHP project that I don’t want to be indexed by PhpStorm and/or available for searching etc. to avoid unnecessary result entries while performing “Find...” operations ... -
Created Self-opening files in Project window
I think I've "broke" some default settings while playing with them but now I have "self-opening" files while walking with cursor arrows on the source tree in Project window. If i only stop for a mo... -
Created NetBeans-like analog of "Run File" command
I'm trying to switch from NetBeans to PhpStorm and can't get how to run single file from project as web page (not as a script as it happens by default) not running whole project. In NetBeans there ...