Wi Wi
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Created Youtrack down?
AnsweredTop of page says "The text index is currently being rebuilt. In queries that search for text, the results may be inaccurate. 0% complete" and search almost does not work, most of queries give zero ... -
Created How to use custom build?
CompletedIssue: my project does not use cmake, instead I create a "fake" CmakeLists.txt file which contains all headers but no build targets. This works amazingly, CLion parses all code and all headers cor... -
Created CLion header search path for 'installed' headers
We have a pretty large codebase (10K+ files). And for some historical reasons all directories are organised the following way: <prjroot>/ mylib1/ MyLib1Class1.h MyLib1Class1.... -
Created How to navigate to ctor from make_unique statement?
AnsweredConsider pretty common code style: auto var1 = std::make_unique<MyClass>(1, 2, 3);auto var2 = std::make_unique<MyClass>("str1", "str2"); Question is: how to "ctrl+click" into corresponding ctor? -
Created How to add external library to Python plugin in CLion?
All my Python files are dependent on other project. I cannot find a configuration to specify python path. I guess I can add it to Python itself, but then I would need to create new Python installa... -
Created List of hacks to make CLion usable
HiThis is life hacks I am using for CLion. I hope one day CLion will support all of them naturally. Maybe somebody will find them useful.1. Disable build types, cause they are completely useless.se... -
Created How to install cx_Oracle stubs for PyCharm?
I tried clicking here and there.Nothing works :( -
Created Please reopen not fixed youtrack item
Hi,please reopen http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-22401it was closed with reason "fixed long time ago"it looks like mistake because it was not implementedthank you -
Created How to turn off wide selection background in Project View?
I cannot get used to it. Is there any option?When I select file I want only this filename to be highlighted and not wide line.You introduced this in PyCharm and now in Leda :( -
Created gwt broken in 98.311: sources of dependant module not found
it worked in IDEA 8 and IDEA 9 and in IDEA X up to 96.1121integrated gwt console was already in 96.1121, so i think that's not problem because of adding iti have two modulesadmin-commonadmin-web - ...