Alan Snyder

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Created Build failure: com/jgoodies/jgoodies-common/1.4.0 does not exist
[java] /Volumes/A/MyIDEA/build/gant.xml:59: : /Users/alan/.m2/repository/com/jgoodies/jgoodies-common/1.4.0 does not exist. How can this be fixed? -
Created editor does not find library containing @NotNull annotation
I created a simple test project that uses @NotNull. I added a dependency on a library that defines it (a copy of the IDEA annotations.jar but with a different name). I added an import statement:imp... -
Created JDK class used by library not found, package name is incorrect
AnsweredI'm having a strange problem. I am using a third party library that when run gets class not found exceptions for JDK classes, except that for some reason the package name has been prefixed, for exa... -
Created error running 2022.3 installers.cmd: permission denied ( lacks execute permission)
Answeredbundle JBR and sign sit locally (duration=1 m 11 s 439 ms, end=20:49:29.9177, sitFile=${buildRoot}/artifacts/ideaIC-223.SNAPSHOT-aarch64.sit)runProcess (duration=3 ms, end=20:49:29.9243, args=./mak... -
Created error running installers.cmd: log file not found
AnsweredI am getting an error running installers.cmd on the idea/222.4167.29 sources: FATAL: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /Volumes/A/MyIDEA/out/idea-ce/temp/builtinModules/system/log/idea.log at java... -
Created build of IDEA failed: directory not empty
AnsweredI just had a build fail apparently in the process of cleaning the compiler output directory. A directory not empty exception was thrown. The directory contains a .DS_Store file. I have had similar ... -
Created Unable to build idea-2021.2
AnsweredThe error is: Compilation errors (Kotlin): [Internal Error] java.lang.RuntimeException: Could not find installation home path. Please reinstall the software. at com.intellij.openapi.application.Pat... -
Created Unable to build idea-2021.1.3
AnsweredI am getting an error trying to build 2021.1.3. As the error appears to be in the android repo, let me say that I created a completely new clone of the android repo for this build, and I am using t... -
Created Is there a specific @SuppressWarnings for this warning?
AnsweredI am getting a highlighted warning "condition ... is always true" on an if statement in a situation where the condition may not always be true (when a method is invoked by a superclass constructor,... -
Created If IDEA requires JDK 11 to run, why does Info.plist say 1.8?
AnsweredI assume this file comes from platform/build-scripts/resources/mac/Contents/Info.plist