Taras Tielkes

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Created postgres: "Save Lob" saves 0-byte file
Hi, While https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-5655 is in status "Fixed", it always produces 0-byte files for me. Is there anything I can do to assist in diagnosing what goes wrong? Kind regard... -
Created Details of SSH tunneling provided by IDEA
IDEA provides SSH tunneling for database connections, which is a very useful feature.Is the code behind this part of the community edition, so that one can use it as an example for other applicatio... -
Created Customizing Ctrl-Hover popup for references
Hi,For a custom language, I'd like to customize the Ctrl-hover popup.What's the extension point to hook into?And what's the implementation class (in intellij-community) that's doing this for the Ja... -
Created EAP #122.519 breaks Maven projects with test-jar dependencies
http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-89039 is marked as fixed in this EAP.However, my experience is the reverse: starting with this EAP build many projects with test-jar dependencies are no lon... -
Created IDEA 12 compatible plugin?
Hi,Any chance for a plugin that is compatible with IDEA 12 EAP ("Leda")?Thanks,Taras -
Created 117.216 EAP: recurring EOFException in SvnChangeList.readFromStream()
Hi,I've done a full "Invalidate Caches & Restart", but I keep getting the following exception repeatedly.Is there something broken on my side, or is this a known issue in this EAP build for Subvers... -
Created Code coverage only shown in project view (not in editor)?
(using IDEA 11 RC and plugin #0.5.221)Is there some option I need to enable to get the code coverage to be shown in the editor gutter?I'm getting the coverage numbers in the project view, but nothi... -
Created Recently added "Download sources" (through Maven) feature for decompiled stubs breaks similar feature for regular Java code
The recently introduce feature (http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/SCL-2737) to download sources on-the-fly seems to break the similar feature provided by IDEA core for Java files.Is anyone else s... -
Created Small pieces of UI pollution for non-Scala projects
Hi,Inside a non-Scala project, the Scala plugin adds the following non-applicable UI items:1) When selecting a package in the project view to run all tests, options for Specs, Specs2 and ScalaTest ... -
Created Map or Set may contain URL objects inspection: should it trigger for URL map values?
This inspection currently fires for Maps that declare URL as their key type.I'm wondering if this makes sense. It's true that calling containsValue() on such a collection type might be a bad idea, ...