Christopher Ng
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Created Maven user settings.xml not merged with global settings.xml
AnsweredAccording to the global settings.xml and the user settings.xml should be merged, but Intellij doesn't respect this, so anything in the global settings.xml is ... -
Edited Can't set breakpoint in lambda that is a field
AnsweredIt seems that if you define a lambda in a field, you cannot put a breakpoint in it, as Intellij only recognises it as a field watch, eg: final Predicate<Object> isNull = x -> x == null; -
Created ESLint shows errors even for rules that are configured to 'warn'.
It seems like the ESLint integration always shows rule violations as errors, even though they are set to warn in .eslintrc. It is definitely finding the configuration because if I change it to be ... -
Created Junit + Maven surefire plugin settings
AnsweredIt seems that running JUnit tests from a maven project results in it inheriting eg vm-args from the surefire configuration in the pom.xml. How can I turn this off? -
Created Bundled Eclipse Compiler version?
What version of the Eclipse compiler is bundled with Intellij 15.x?Reason I ask is that there is a bug in the Eclipse compiler (it doesn't follow the annotation processing spec apparently) that is ... -
Created Scope 'All'/'Project and Libraries' missing
I'm running Intellij Ultimate 13.1.3, for some reason I don't have the 'All' (or otherwise known as 'Project and Libraries') scope that is supposed to be predefined, either in the Search Settings o... -
Created NPE when starting Java debugging in IDEA 13.1
I'm getting a NullPointerException when I try to debug a Java doesn't happen all the time though, it might be this particular configuration (which is an individual test in a JUnit test... -
Created can't rerun failed tests in IDEA 13 for all tests in eg a package
Using Intellij IDEA 13, if I run all tests in a folder, when I try to rerun failed tests I get:java.lang.NullPointerException at<init>( at com.intellij.rt.execution.juni... -
Created IDEA slows down after a while
hi all,I tend to leave my IDEA open (at work) overnight, usually for days at a time. I've noticed that it becomes very slow and unresponsive after a while. Typing becomes very slow and I can see ... -
Created Disable activeByDefault maven profile?
hi,it seems it's not possible to disable a maven profile that is enabled by default in settings.xml? when you click on the checkbox it is either greyed out and checked, or just checked.