David Biskupek
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Created cant build intellij
Hi, its now 2 years ago since i developed my last plugin.If i remember back, it was always very tricky to get something working, so nothing changed in the meantime.http://www.jetbrains.org/pages/vi... -
Created Plugin.xml corrupt?
Hi, this ist my plugin.xml:<idea-plugin version="22"> <id>TFSTask integration for PyCharm</id> <description>Provides integration with TFS and SVN</description> <name>TFSTask integration for P... -
Created Add options to ToolWindow
Hi, how can i add these options like in the ProjectToolWindow or the DatabaseToolWindow.Attachment(s):Bildschirmfoto5.png -
Created IntelliJ IDEA Messaging infrastructure with return Value
Hi, how can i use the IntelliJ IDEA Messaging infrastructure with return Value?When i try to pass some value thru it ends up with:[ 9980] ERROR - com.intellij.ide.IdeEventQueue - Error during di... -
Created Obtain last Commit
Hi, how can i obtain informations from the last commit, i need to know the revisionnumber and the effected files.Below some code there i am calling the commitdialog with passing the selected files ... -
Created init ToolWindow programmatically
Hi folks,i can show and hide a toolwindow programmatically if i "initialize" it first.But how can i do that programmatically?Where can i get the ToolWindow object which is passed to the createToolW... -
Created Classloader Problem
Hi,I'm using the TFS API from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=22616 to develop a plugin.If i set the jar as module dependency of my plugin, i will get an exception if i am u... -
Created Display Browser
Hello,is there anyway to access the Browser like the documentation?I want to implement a plugin that cann access the browser and display its contents as an emeded Tab .Any possible solutions for my... -
Created Persisting State of Components
I'm trying to follow these instructions:http://confluence.jetbrains.net/display/IDEADEV/Persisting+State+of+ComponentsBut I don't understand how this works, should I register my class somewhere? I'...