Xavi Montero
- Total activity 42
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Created Inspection "Missing parameter's type declaration" not working.
Today we are integrating the "Inspecions" seriously in our PHP project. Until today we just used it as suggestions but from today on we'd expect to only commit "if inspections are green light". Ste... -
Created How to exclude certain dirs from being interpreted as CVS?
I have a multi-repo project. One of the repos is a "devops repo" which controls the deploys of all the other repos. Until now, the deploy process was run in the server-side like in a non-dockerized... -
Created Make phpStorm stop complaining about phpDoc while maitaining other annotations
Whenever I add a @dataProvider annotation to a test in PhpUnit, PhpStorm thinks I want to do PhpDoc documentation and it starts complaining about the parameters of the method. Here there's an examp... -
Created Supress Unhandled Exception inspection
AnsweredHi, I have this code, that calls a library that can throw an exception: I don't want to handle that exception and I want to supress the inspection for that method. In this article https://www.jetb... -
Created Can't find the Inspection Tool Window
Hi, in this page it seems there's a certain menu option to bring the `Inspection Results Tool Window` up: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/phpstorm/inspection-results-tool-window.html Instead, I don'... -
Created Mutating committed .iml file
As per this article: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544839 it seems the .iml files should be committed and shared. This https://www.gitignore.io/api/phpstorm and this h... -
Edited Codestyle, blank line after property declaration and before comments.
Hello, I usually group the methods in my classes with a set of 3 lines with comments, like this: //---------------------------------------------------------------------//// Setup ...