Alexander Shustanov
- Total activity 70
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Edited Why did you remove UAST classes without deprecation and ScheduledForRemoval annotation?
AnsweredHi! We use UAST in our plugin. Last three or two releases you break UAST API without warning. How long are you going to do that? We used class UastLiteralReferenceProvider and you removed it in 201... -
Created Project model loading and maintenance
Hello! We are developing a plugin that builds a model for project written with some framework. The model is built to provide user simple method to do the framework specific actions with project. So... -
Created TypeMigration refactoring for kotlin
AnsweredIs there any alternative for type migration refactoring for kotlin? -
Edited All library snapshots are added to com.intellij.openapi.roots.libraries.Library source roots.
When I start find usages of some class, and the class is used by some library of SNAPSHOT version, idea found lots of duplicated usages, for one for every ever downloaded snapshot. Is it a normal b... -
Created DomElement createMockCopy returns DomElement with children being shuffled.
The result of DomElement.createMockCopy has children sorted not in the initial order. It doesn't depends on physical copy or not. -
Created XmlAttributeValue rename
Hi! I have an xml format, that describes some objects. For example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><views> <view class="Foo" name="foo-view" extends="foo-another-view"> ... -
Created Backward compatibility problem with UAST
AnsweredEncapsulation does not work in inline function, so such code is dangerous: inline fun <reified T : UElement> PsiElement?.toUElementOfType(): T? = this?.let { UastFacade.convertElementWithParent(th... -
Created TransactionGuard#submitTransactionLater vs Application#invokeLater
AnsweredHi! Could you describe the difference between these methods? When I should use one, and when another. -
Edited Kotlin-Java type conversion
Hi! Is there any instrument to get Kotlin types from Java PsiType? For example, I have java type: java.util.Set<entitypack.Entity> it kotlin it should be kotlin.collections.Set<entitypack.Entity<*>... -
Created How to get kotlin class from UParameter type?
AnsweredI have some code, that searches for usages of some method first parameter type. The code (uMethod.uastParameters[0] as UVariable).type returns `PsiClassType`, that resolves to some `ClsClassImpl`. ...