Leon Ren
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Created Expand diretory on 'Open File or Project' loading too long
AnsweredHi, I'am using IDEA community 2021.3, the Linux version. When I click File -> Open as in the screenshot, and expand the /data directory takes more than 90 seconds. There are more than 1000 net... -
Edited Project files cannot be watched && Refreshworkers.scan freeze
AnsweredHi, I'm using IDEA community 2020.3. During it's startup, it always prompts: And after it open the last project, it sometimes freeze. You can see there are many RefreshWorker.scan freeze logs. My... -
Created Emoji is not colorful
AnsweredHi, I am using IDEA 2020.3 commnity, the emoji is white and black only, not colorful. And some of them is just a rectangle. Here is a screenshot: What should I do to see the color emoji like the o... -
Edited How to config custom plugin repository with 'idea.plugins.host'?
AnsweredHi, I wrote my own updatePlugins.xml file, and configured it though Plugins -> Manage plugin Repositories -> + -> "http://xx-server:8000/updatePlugins.xml". Then I can see the custom plugins in Ma... -
Created What the advantage of IntelliJ platform vs vscode?
AnsweredHi We're going to support a new language, include coding, analyzing and debug. Intellij platform is a good choice to complete that. But there is another voice in our team which would use vscode a... -
Created Is it able to exclude dir globally?
AnsweredHi, I want to exclude a XXX dir automatically/golbally, like the ignore file and directory configuration in the IDEA settings. Because our project has a XXX dir which is huge, more than 100G. Pr... -
Created Code changes cannot write to disk
AnsweredHi there, I modified my code in IDEA, but the file doesn't change. If I open it with vim editor, I can't see the changes and the IDEA have been closed. Most strangely, if I open IDEA again, the cha... -
Created Is it possible to open file larger than 2GB?
AnsweredHi, I tried to modify the two configurations below, but it seems that IDEA can only open file less than 2GB. Is there a way to open file larger than 2GB? # Maximum file size (kilobytes) IDE should... -
Created the 'icon' attribute of action does not work?
Hi, I want to add a tool on the MainToolBar in my plugin, the code in plugin.xml is like this: <action id="xxx" class="com.myplugin.actions.OpenXxxAction" text="test" description="tes... -
Created what does "enable live templates" mean in "File and Code Templates"?
AnsweredHi, There is a checkbox "enable live templates" at the bottom-right corner of "File and Code Templates" , what does it mean? Can I use the live templates in "File and Code Templates" ? What's the g...