Sergey Svitkov
Java software engineer
- Total activity 77
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Created Remove element from Editor's InlayModel
AnsweredHi! Is there a way to remove all added block elements from com.intellij.openapi.editor.impl.InlayModelImpl ? Thanks! -
Edited Navigate to method
AnsweredHi! In my plugin I have a list of method's full names (in format '[], int)') and this list is displayed as a JBList in tool window (see pic. 1) And I want to navigate t... -
Created Exclude part of intellij-openapi dependencies
AnsweredHi! Can some of the intellij-community's dependencies be excluded?E.g. I need to use sqlite-jdbc 3.27.2 in my plugin, but it's get overwritten by dependency of IdeaIC:2018.3 which is 3.21 version. ... -
Created Invoke runnable after another task finishes
Hello!My plugin does some long calculations in order to later display calculated data in Editor. Therefore, when my FileOpenListener is invoked I need to somehow check are my calculations finished,... -
Created Handle Git commit made not from IntelliJ UI
AnsweredHello! Is there a way to obtain some kind of event when a commit to VCS (Actually, I am only interested in Git support for this) was made not from IDE, but from, for example, a linux terminal? If p... -
Created Filtering files in commit by programming language
AnsweredHello. I am developing a plugin, which interacts with Git VCS and I wondering if there a simple way to find out a programming language used in this file without name (therefore, I can't simply look... -
Created InlayModel.addBlockElement() offset parameter
AnsweredHi!I am trying to use a new 2018.3 feature --- InlayModel.addInlineElement in my plugin for displaying text data above the some lines in Editor. So, the question is: what is meant by offset in give... -
Created Find GitCommit by it's Hash
AnsweredHi. I am working on a plugin related to VCS (currently only git) and I need to read commits one by one (to avoid OutOfMemory) from the beginning of project's history. While searching solution for ... -
Created Create VirtualFile or PsiFile from content
AnsweredHi. How can I create PsiFile or VirtualFile from it's content, without having actual file on disk? In case when file is actually deleted, but it's content in stored in commit data. I found very old... -
Created Handle editor newline creation/deletion
AnsweredHello! I wondering is it possible to handle line adding/deletion in editor. I found TypedActionHandler, but still have several questions: 1) How to handle newline adding to document? Can I just ch...