Roland Schützig
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Created Simple listOf(..) function call takes immensly long, when called the first time
I noticed that building of a simple list can take immensly long. I use the following little test program: var endTime: Longvar startTime:Longvar l:List<Int>repeat(10) { startTime = System.nanoTi... -
Created JavaFX issues with 2 seemingly equivalent projects
AnsweredHi I get an error "Error occurred during initialization of boot layer , java.lang.module.FindException: Module javafx.base not found". I have prepared (upload referene 020_10_09_4Ko4fLbfABn6e2kG) t... -
Created On IntelliJ IDEA startup warning shows: "Early Access Java versions may cause compatibility issues. Use a stable release version.'
AnsweredI have been seeing this message for a while now. I am not sure but probably from early this year onward. However, everything works find and so I haben't had any pain and I have not ignored it so fa... -
Created OpenCL fails to connect kernel printf stdout to intelliJ IDEA console
AnsweredThe printf instruction in an openCL kernel is supposed to write to the stdout interface which in turn is expected to be the "Run" console in the workbench ( I am working with IntelliJ IDEA communit... -
Created Windows DLL not found in lwjgl jar file
AnsweredI try to run the LWJGL libraries aquired from I have loaded all jar files into my project as instructed on but when running the pro... -
Created OpenCL calls not correctly transformed from Java to Kotlin
AnsweredI have a piece of Java Code based on the OpenCL library with a plan to leverage the general computation capacity of the graphic processor (GPU). It works (as demonstrated by the successful console ... -
Created Performance Testing plugin not working with the IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition?
Could it be that the Performance Testing plugin does not work with the free of charge IntelliJ IDEA community Edition? I was able to in... -
Created Still Issues with the SceneBuilder
AnsweredThe Scene Builder keeps on bugging me. I am on IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3 (Community Edition). Very often the scene builder fails to show properties of an object (e.g. a Canvas object in an AnchorPane) i... -
Created "Property must be initialized" error depending on where the class is declared
AnsweredI found that the "Property must be initialized" error can occur or not with the same class declaration, depending on WHERE the class is declared. Is there an explanation for that? I checked the dec... -
Created Kotlin compiler error when extending JavaFX ModifiableObservableListBase
AnsweredI am using IntelliJ IDEA. Why does the following code not compile? The editor does not complain about it. Only the project build process generates an error: Code is as follows: (When I replace MyS...