Anton Kashnikov

- Total activity 65
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- Votes 3
- Subscriptions 13
Created What is the best way to ship openjfx with plugin
AnsweredHello, I use use WebView and JFXPanel from openjfx in plugin. I've noticed that you've deleted javafx from your runtime in 2020.1.3 version. Embedding of native libraries work fine for windows vers... -
Created Update plugin in Intellij Idea 2020
AnsweredHello! I noticed, that in Intejji 2020 openapi was removed method loadDescriptionFromJar(File file) in PluginDownloader So, what is a way to update plugins now? -
Created Debuging plugin in Intellij idea 2020 sandbox issue
AnsweredHello! I am trying to debug my plugin via Intellij Idea. My goal is to run new instace of Intellij idea 2020, but i get this error message: Error:Internal error: ( ... -
Created Run WriteAction in Background process Asynchronously
AnsweredHello. I am trying to run this code: ProgressManager.getInstance().runProcessWithProgressAsynchronously(new RunnableBackgroundableWrapper(project,"BackGround process", new BackgroundRunnable()), n... -
Created Tool for HTML displaying
AnsweredHello.I want to exclude javafx from my plugin due to its absence in jdk 11. The display of HTML content remains as a problem in my plugin. At the moment I use javafx.scene.web.WebView.Java Swing la... -
Created Comparing directories using DiffManger
AnsweredHello!I need to compare the content of two directories using DiffManager.getInstance().showDiff().This simple task is complicated by the fact that the first directory is maintained on a hard disk a... -
Created How can i use Openjfx in Intellij Idea 2019 with JRE 11.0.2?
AnsweredMy plugin uses few javafx classes. There are no problems to use them with all of previous versions. But in Intellij Idea 2019 (JRE 11.0.2) they do not work. I tried to include openjfx in my plugin... -
Created Problems with FileEditorProvider implemetation
AnsweredHello! I have a class, that implements the FileEditorProvider and DumbAware interfaces.For some reason, method accept() of FileEditorProvider interface is requested for infinite times, when the plu... -
Created open-api interaction with Macbook Pro touchbar
AnsweredCan you please explain to me some finer points of how open-api interacts with Macbook Pro touchbar? The thing is that in a “pure” version of Intellij IDEA the touchbar displayed regular buttons lik... -
Edited How can i get IntelliJ IDEA SDK?
AnsweredIn my plugin, I need to set Intellij IDEA SDK like Module SDK to one of users module. I am trying to set it via ModuleBuilder: javaModuleBuilder.setName(moduleName);javaModuleBuilder.setModuleJdk()...