Gioioso Matteo
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Created Top level 'this' expression
Webstorm 2019.1.1, React. After the last update I receive this message which should not appear Reports this expressions occurring outside of object literals or constructor bodies. Such this express... -
Edited Unable to set environmental variables for Gradle build
AnsweredTrying to build my plugin with the "buildPlugin" task, however the environmental variables I am supplying are not getting picked by Gradle and when I run my plugin, installed from disk, my variable... -
Edited How to setup Python interpreter
I have opened up a .py file in Goland and it immediately prompted the installation of the python plug-in, after I have restarted the IDE and opened the file again, the following warning message app... -
Created Problem with different YAML plugins
AnsweredI have installed many different plugins that helps with different YAML configurations: Ansible, Kubernetes (Helm charts and normal yaml), AWS Cloudformation. However I have noticed that it messed u... -
Created How to add a JComponent to pre-existing Run configuration editor
AnsweredI am not entirely sure this is possible, but I am trying to add a custom component (JButton, JLabel, etc...) to an existing Run Configuration Editor, so far this is what I have tried. RunManager in... -
Created Component not revalidating when called from listener of messaging infrastructure
AnsweredI am trying to develop an Intellij IDEA plugin with Swing and I am using the messaging infrastructure: I... -
Edited Populate Run/Debug configuration from an Action, Button or Listener
AnsweredHello there Sorry to bother you guys in here, I know this is not a real bug, but I am really having hard time developing plugins due to missing documentation and lack of examples. So my goal is to:... -
Edited Passing data to an Action
AnsweredI have my ToolWindowFactory: class MyToolWindowFactory implements com.intellij.openapi.wm.ToolWindowFactory In which I have some data, could be a String or an Object I want to be able to retrieve ... -
Edited Jest tests not working anymore
AnsweredSince this morning all Jest tests done through Goland are not working anymore. This is the error I got: Process finished with exit code 0 On Friday everything was working fine. This morning whe... -
Edited RDS Unable to find host/port in URL.
AnsweredCannot SSH Tunnel into my RDS instance from Goland this is the template: jdbc:postgresql://<rds hostname> :5432/<database name> - I have tick and configured my SSH with Keypair and tested the c...