Regina Morris
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Created Why can't *_test.go files find functions defined in different files within the same package?
AnsweredThis works fine with *.go files but not with *_test.go files. Goland's editor can see the function Dbconnect() because it displays the name as I'm typing it. The name also doesn't appear in red wi... -
Created "TestMain(m *testing.M)" runs as a test itself but is failing
CompletedI'm using a file main_test.go to run my tests. There are 4 tests total but my run tells me that 1 test failed and 4 passed. I can only assume that TestMain() is that fifth test that is failing. I h... -
Created Running multiple tests within a package (terminal vs run configuration)
CompletedI am using Goland. I have the following package: src/event which has the files: main_test.go, a.go, and a_test.go In main_test.go I have the init(), setUp(), tearDown() functions that a_test.go us...