Songxilong Sxl

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- Votes 7
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Edited create references do not navigate to PsiElement
AnsweredI need to create a create a reference for PsiLiteralExpression , when cmd + click , I want show my own toolWindow and select relative Ui component.I read the SDK Reference Contributor, but... -
Edited Add custom BeforeRunTask to SpringApplicaitonRunconfiguration when it create
Answeredis it possible to add my own BeforeRunTask like bulid task do in springApplicationRunConfiguration. -
Created No test found when running junit test
AnsweredI create a configuration with Pattern, but when I run it , got no test found .when I change some thing and click apply button it make sense , so I think some things I lost when I create the ... -
Created any way to replace or disable run/debug action on TestTreePopupMenu
Answeredany way I can disable these two actions or replace them with my action? -
Created how to display .class file and popup custom menu when Cilck VirtualFiles item
AnsweredI use changesTreeImpl.VirtualFiles to show the specific file list , and I want show decompiled file when click the item and popup my menu when right click. what should I do? when click the Cal... -
Created how to create a custom project view panel
Answeredthe real project dir tree is : Project dir DirA FileA FileB DirB FileC FileD I want the result panel will be Project dir DirA ... -
Created make popupList searchable
AnsweredBaseListPopupStep<String> baseListPopupStep = new BaseListPopupStep<>("tags", tags);ListPopup listPopup = JBPopupFactory.getInstance().createListPopup(baseListPopupStep); how to make it support s... -
Created why module.getModuleFile return null
Answeredcall method com.intellij.openapi.module.impl.ModuleImpl#getModuleFile , follow the code to com.intellij.openapi.vfs.impl.FilePartNode#myFile(java.lang.Object), the parameter is .iml file path, ... -
Created when the folding enabled ?
Answereduse Editor#getFoldingModel() then com.intellij.openapi.editor.FoldingModel#getAllFoldRegions, get empty array. -
Created can I find a topic to subscribe for ExecuteAction/StopAction ?
Answeredtopic for subsrible or extensionPoint to do something when application run/stop!