InlayHintsProvider is not aligned
Hi, I added clickable text to Psielement using the Inlay Hints Provider, but it wasn't aligned. Does anyone know what the problem is?
There is no alignment here, which is incorrect
This is correct.
How can I solve this problem?
this is my code:
class DartCodeAIInlay : InlayHintsProvider<DartAISetting> {
override val key: SettingsKey<DartAISetting>
get() = SettingsKey(name)
override val name: String
get() = "Open-AI-Setting"
override val previewText: String
get() {
return """
class TestClass {
void test() {
override fun createSettings(): DartAISetting {
return DartAISetting.getInstance()
override fun getCollectorFor(
file: PsiFile,
editor: Editor,
settings: DartAISetting,
sink: InlayHintsSink
): InlayHintsCollector {
return object : FactoryInlayHintsCollector(editor) {
override fun collect(element: PsiElement, editor: Editor, sink: InlayHintsSink): Boolean {
val inlays = HintsInlayPresentationFactory(factory)
if (element is DartMethodDeclarationImpl) {
val text = inlays.simpleText("ASK OPENAI","", handle = object : InlayPresentationClickHandle{
override fun invoke(p1: MouseEvent, p2: Point) {
return true
override fun createConfigurable(settings: DartAISetting): ImmediateConfigurable {
return AISettingPanel()
class CustomRender(val text: InlayPresentation) : InlayPresentation {
override val height: Int
get() = text.height
override val width: Int
get() = text.width
override fun addListener(listener: PresentationListener) {
override fun fireContentChanged(area: Rectangle) {
override fun fireSizeChanged(previous: Dimension, current: Dimension) {
text.fireSizeChanged(previous, current)
override fun paint(g: Graphics2D, attributes: TextAttributes) {
text.paint(g, attributes)
override fun removeListener(listener: PresentationListener) {
override fun toString(): String {
return "11"
Please try and find similar implementations as described on this page. It looks like e.g.
does something similarThank you for your answer. I found the answer there and it worked well