Heads up: 2023.1 with PlayFramework Scala Silhouette No Longer Works Right. breaks in MessagesAbstractController @Inject()
I have upgraded my IntelliJ to 2023.1 and loaded a Play Framework 2.8 project that contains Silhouette and it no longer works properly.
The following appears to be related to a cause, and the IDE complains that it does not take an argument. I am guessing that the `protected` attribute is causing the issue, but that's my guess. Not have much time to go into this or engage support as I have to finish up my own release but by reverting to 2022.3, the issue does go away, so I just wait for a while and hope that this will be resolved in a few more releases down the line. So this is just heads up if you run into this, reverting the version is the way to go.abstract class MessagesAbstractController @Inject() (
protected val controllerComponents: MessagesControllerComponents
) extends MessagesBaseController
Hi, I have created a bug report here: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/SCL-21126/Too-many-arguments-for-constructor-error-when-passing-an-argument-to-class-which-needs-a-parameter
Please vote for it.
Wow, Leja! Thanks a bunch! It seems like we're really making some headway here. I have a gut feeling that some amazing upgrades are in the works, but unfortunately, this one aspect hit a snag. But hey, no worries! I'm positive it'll be up and running smoothly again in no time!