Goland Subtests are not recognized
I'm using tableTests and expect my goland to identify them and give the possiblity to run single tests then. This is my IDE:
This one is collegue's one:
Same file/repository/branch...
We both using latest version of goland and (should) have same settings.
So, anyone can tell to enable single tests here?
I can start whole suite without any problem.
Can you reproduce it with default IDE settings (File | Manage IDE Settings | Restore Default Settings)?
If so, may I ask you to share a code snippet?
Just restored defaults. Error is persistent.
What version of GoLand are you using (Help | Find Action | About)? I'm unable to reproduce it on 2023.1 version.
Build #GO-231.8109.199, built on March 29, 2023
on Windows 11 gWSL Ubuntu 22.04
We're using build constrains (//go:build integration) for this file. Removing this constrain enables the functionality.
Is it possible to combine both (functionality and constrain)?
Yes, you can add integration to Settings | Go | Build Tags & Vendoring | Custom tags.
Please see: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/go/configuring-build-constraints-and-vendoring.html
Thanks a lot! Works as a charm!
Appreciated for your help...