Build image with Dockerfile

I'm on CLion 2023.1 on Ubuntu 22.04. I have a Dockerfile in my project root. I can build this thru' my terminal. I followed the steps to set up the Docker toolchain and the CMake project loads correctly and tags the files. However when I try to build using CLion's Docker toolchain the build fails.

Deploying 'test:build Dockerfile: Dockerfile'…
Building image…
Preparing build context archive…
[==================================================>]557/557 files

Sending build context to Docker daemon…
[==================================================>] 13.30MB

Failed to deploy 'test:build Dockerfile: Dockerfile': Status 500: {"message":"Error processing tar file(exit status 1): open /config/config.ini: no such file or directory"}

I think it's trying to find config.ini because there is a docker-compose,yml in my project dir. However, I do not wish to use docker-compose, I just want to build and make sure my compilation succeeds. How do I verify this?

