Intellij cannot launch because 'process 2' already running
After using intellij for multiple years on the same pc without any problum, suddenly this happened. When I want to startup my intellij on Ubuntu I get an error: "IDE Already Running", Cannot connect to already running IDE instance. CannotActivateException: Process 2 is still running. When I press "V ok" intellij starts up, opens, and then closes immediatly. I've tried restarting my pc and reinstalling intellij. When I check my running processes, nothing that has anything to do with intelijj is running.
I have identical problem today. Tried also to remove and install again, but nothing changed. I have Ubuntu 22.04
Do you have Slack running?
i am also facing the same problem, it started today.
I restarted my computer thinking I would have some IDE open in the background, but without success, I still have the same problem
my problem is occurring in Datagrip.
I'm facing the same issue on POP OS 22.04.
Since Slack was mentioned above, I tried to open IntelliJ with Slack closed, and it still crashed.
After IntelliJ updated to 2023.1 it keeps crashing with the same error.
Also, reinstall did not help.
I am on RHEL8 and I have the same issue since today. When opening it by simply pressing the icon or trying to open it via flatpak, it still fails.
I don't have Slack installed and restarting/updating did not work. I am providing the stack trace which appeared when trying to open with flatpak.
Hi. I have the same problem. Reinstall does not help.
Is it reproducible if you download IDE archive from official site, expand it and run IDE?
Same here after upgrade to 231 version. The loading screen appear and I can see the app window. After that app shutdown and get the message if trying to relaunch.
I'm on POPos.
"Is it reproducible if you download IDE archive from official site, expand it and run IDE?"
Please use package from official site instead of Flatpack one.
Same issue on my Linux Mint, package installed from the official .tar.gz archive and updated to "Build #IC-231.8109.175, built on March 28, 2023". It starts properly if launched a second time, at least so far.
(update: solved by reinstalling the official archive from scratch, so it seems it was the updating process that broke something)
Same problem. I'm in Pop_Os, after the last release sometimes it work, when I select any project, or also when I try to create a new project, it crash.
Same happend with my flatpak today, switch to binary version for now.
I'm facing the same issue on POP OS 22.04.
I'm facing the same issue on POP OS 22.04.
I have POP OS, and solved installing Intellij not from the official POP OS store, but from repository by the terminal. I think the problem is on the flat pack version
I resolved installing version from the official website. Problem is in flathub
I had a similar issue on Pop-OS and solved it by installing by the terminal
I have never seen this error before but in the last week it happened 3-4 times when trying to open IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1.
I have version #IU-231.8109.175 installed via JetBrains Toolbox.
I click OK and the second time opens fine.
I have the same on RHEL9, Idea installed via Toolbox... I just find any "intellij" process, "kill -9" them and try again, works like a charm then
Same here today on Win11 in a fresh boot, very weird.
Cannot connect to already running IDE instance.
CannotActivateException: Process 19,236 is still running
Build #IU-231.8109.175, built on March 28, 2023
I had the same problem using Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS. I resolved it by installing the JetBrains Toolbox and installing WebStorm from there. I now have version WebStorm 2023.1.1 Build #WS-231.8770.64, built on April 27, 2023. As others have said, it must be a problem with the version that is currently on Pop!_Shop.
Problem still exists: Idea 2022.3.3 Ultimate on current Ubuntu 22.04/amd64 OpenJDK 17.0.6 works like a charm. Upgrading to current IDEA by manual downloading ideaIU-2023.1.2.tar.gz aka idea-IU-231.9011.34 from Jetbrains homepage results in startup failure as being described by others (German localization):
$ idea
CompileCommand: exclude com/intellij/openapi/vfs/impl/FilePartNodeRoot.trieDescend bool exclude = true
IDE Already Running
Cannot connect to already running IDE instance.
CannotActivateException: Vorgang nicht zulässig
Removing ~/.config/JetBrains and ~/.cache/JetBrains does not help either.
Could you please submit a support request here and provide your IDE logs (located in the logs/ folder) for further investigation? Thanks!
Currently the problem only appears when idea operates on a samba network mounted home directory. I'm aware of this being a poor choice with respect to performance but given ~1000 students this appears the only way for us to operate. Regarding IntelliJ idea it worked well this way for years stopping now. Using a local homedir works fine.
I'm a bit reluctant filing a bug report: In addition to the samba homedir issue your linked page tells me about log files residing in ~/.cache/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2023.1/log. Pre-erasing ~/.cache/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2023.1 and than starting idea yields an open-telemetry-metrics.2023-06-07-19-29-08.csv file being essentially empty besides a header being present.
So finally: Does a bug report make sense anyway?
Thank you for the explanation. Basically, the most important content of the log directory for troubleshooting is the idea.log file.
If this file is missing from the directory you could try running IDE from command line and provide the console output in the bug report.
Yes, it could be useful to create a dedicated bug report for your issue, as this thread already contains a lot of different responses and use cases. It will be easier to track and analyze it separately with its own set of inputs. Thank you for taking the time for this.
I can confirm this error still exists and occurs on Linux Mint 21.1 for WebStorm installed from flatpak.
See also,
Created (hopefully!) proper issue report