How to keep current tab from closing while navigating to other classes using shortcut Ctrl+B or Ctrl+Alt+B?
While navigating using shortcut Ctrl+B or Ctrl+Alt+B between different Java files, current tab is getting closed and new file is opened.
Is there any way to keep all the tabs open when we navigate through series of files using those shortcuts? Please help.
Also, please keep the `Preferences | Advanced Settings | Editor Tabs | When navigating to a file...` option checked.
Thanks Ethan Yin for responding. I haven't reached Tab Limit (10).
Also, checked the option "When navigating to a file...". But, still the tab closes. If we use Ctrl + Alt + Left Arrow, the closed tabs are coming back.
It helped (PHPStorm 2023.1.3) to uncheck Enable Preview Tab
Settings -> Editor -> General -> Editor Tabs -> Enable preview tab (uncheck) and Change Tab limit to 100 (from 10).
Thanks DominikGwo Ethan Yin. It works with your suggestion
Unfortunately it does not work on my side. I tried those settings but when navigating with Ctrl+B or Ctrl+Alt+B or even with Ctrl + Left Mouse click, it closes the file I was looking at and opening the other file instead.
The same happens when using Goto Class or Go to File. I've opened a class or a File with Ctrl + N or Ctrl + Shift + N, the file/class opens. But as soon as I do it again, instead of opening another tab, it closes the one I opened just seconds before.
I has nothing to do with the tab limit, because it happens also when I have only one tab open. It has nothing to do with the Preview Tab setting, because no matter if I check or uncheck this setting, it shows the same behaviour.