Why I can't see objective-c's variable when debug swift file?
As pic above, MProcessVC is a swift file, caller is a local variable of Objective-C class, when I Debug, I can't see the Objective-C object's value.Is it a bug of Apple, because in XCode, I couldn't see it too
If the problem is reproducible in Xcode then, yes, it's an issue of lldb (and AppCode uses the same lldb as Xcode). I'd recommend you file an Apple radar.
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Thanks a lot for this useful post.
I suggest you should take a look at this article https://mlsdev.com/blog/swift-vs-objective-c to find out additional information related to this topic.
One more nice research of Swift vs Objective-C - https://www.cleveroad.com/blog/swift-vs-objective-c--what-is-the-best-language-for-ios-development-
Well, this quick read will help you: https://www.unifiedinfotech.net/blog/swift-development-services-apples-journey-from-swift-to-objective-c/