[OSX] Where does intellij/datagrip store the password in the "Native Keychain"
I though they would be in the OSX keychain, but I can't find anything using Keychain Access. Am I looking in the right place?
Please open Keychain (standard macOS app) and search by `IntelliJ Platform` to see all IntelliJ Platform password. To search only Database password — `IntelliJ Platform DB`
Thank you
Hi, On OSX 10.14.5, IntelliJ keeps asking for BitBucket Pwd. It's set to store on native keychain. When searching for IntelliJ in keychain, nothing shows.... should I be worried?? It used to work... After IntelliJ update it started failing.
I just updated, and I am also unable to save passwords.
I've tried clearing of Intellij's passwords out of Keychain Access. No help.
Every time I try to connect to a database, it asks for the password. I've telling it to save Forever, but it doesn't seem to be doing that, nothing appears in Keychain Access. Deployments don't even ask for a password. They just fail.
Appearance & Behavior > System Settings > Passwords > Save passwords = "In native Keychain"
I have the same issue. Problem started happening after PHPStorm 2019.2.3 upgrade. 2019.1.X worked fine.
I get a message saying "Cannot unlock Keychain" and requests DB credentials over and over.
I have the same issue as two people above, it can't access keychain to access password
Have the same issue with PhpStorm 2019.2.5. Moved to 2019.3 Beta to solve it.
same issue
Unable to unlock keychain
DataGrip 2019.3
Build #DB-193.5233.139, built on December 2, 2019
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
macOS 10.15.1
GC: ParNew, ConcurrentMarkSweep
Memory: 1979M
Cores: 12
Non-Bundled Plugins: com.jetbrains.jbre.bintray.downloader
I created an issue https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-228926 based on your description.
+1 here
Gines Gomez,
Vote for the issue mentioned above.
DataGrip 2019.3
macOS 10.15.2
+1 here
DataGrip 2019.3
macOs 10.15.1
Please, vote for https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-228926
macOS: 10.15.2
DataGrip: 2019.3.2
already voted in the issue
macOS 10.15.3
goland 2019.3.1
+1 - app is unusable
FYI, my problem has solved right after re-install the IDE from the downloaded package (dmg) following other's suggestions without uninstalling.