The git branch bane doesn't appear on the bottom-right corner




For some reason my Idea doesn't display the current git branch in the bottom-right corner - 

Can you help me make it appear again?

Thanks in advance,




If you haven't trusted to a project then Git integration will be also disabled. So you have 'Trusted" to a project and IDE opened it for you in full mode.
Please see:


In my case I got the git branch back by right-clicking the status bar and selecting "Git Branch". Not sure how it got unselected...


This is happening for me on Rider 2022.1.2. Project is trusted, git is enabled for the project, 'Git Branch' is not listed in View -> Appearance -> Status Bar Widgets. Committing, Pushing, changelists, git history, all work fine. Removing the git aspects of workspace.xml and restarting did not work either.

EDIT: I'm dumb. It just moved locations to the top left corner, for some reason.


Joseph Brooksbank Could you please share screenshot of your window? 


As I said in the edit, I found the new location of the git branch indicator. I expected the git branch to be in the bottom right (red), but it has moved to the top left (green).


Joseph Brooksbank

Please try to turn on the new toolbar in `View | Appearance | Toolbar` (instead of "Toolbar Classic") for now. The widget is included in the new toolbar. 


Sorry, maybe I wasn't clear. I don't have an issue anymore. I came to this thread but found the solution on my own shortly after. As you can see in the screenshot I posted, the git branch is visible.


When I fight with this kind of 'problems I could have stayed with eclipse. Git Integration there is better solved as in the expensive Ultimate Intellij. Basic Tool that everybody is using and I am searching for days to find the solution. :(


Stephan Avigue could you please elaborate what problem do you mean? As there are several mixed in this thread.


I had same problem. Disabling "Toolbar" sorted it out.

Deselect: View|Appearance|Toolbar 




You can enable it in IntelliJ 2023 → View → Apperance -→ Status Bar Widgets → Git Branch


Once you've verified the directory mapping has been added to Settings→Version Control→Directory Mappings as illustrated above by Cappy2112, disable the Git plugin from Settings→Plugins, click apply, then reenable and allow IntelliJ to restart.  If it doesn't ask to restart, try again until it does.  

As stated before, you may still need to enable the widget from View→Appearance→Status Bar Widgets→Git Branch.

If you are using JetBrains Gateway to connect to remote repositories, remember to set the directory mapping for each repository.


Bill G 

I haven't been using PyCharm since I initially posted this issue, getting the IDE back to this state will be nearly impossible.


