How to change debugger font size?


For the Editor there is Settings | Editor | Colors & Fonts | Font | Editor Font and for the Console there is Settings | Editor | Colors & Fonts | Console Font | Console Font.

How does one change the font used in the Debugger?


Hi Demetrius,
`Settings > Editor > Colors & Fonts > Console Font` setting affects only debugger console font. To change the font in debugger tool window you can override the IDE font in `File | Settings | Appearance & Behavior | Appearance`.


This is an old comment, but still relevant.

Your suggestion does, indeed, change the debugger font size. But it DOESN'T show more in the debugger; the line spacing doesn't change!

How can I show more lines of text in the debugger?



There is a dedicated setting for the console in Settings/Preferences | Editor | Color Scheme | Console Font --> Line spacing

Are you looking for a different one?

Permanently deleted user

very easy to do this

File -> settings -> Appearance & Behavior -> Appearance -> Use custom font (enable) and assign size

will affect debugger window size


I am afraid Anna Morozova's comment is no longer relevant. I am seeing the font overrides under
Settings > Editor > Colors & Fonts > Console Font
but that affects the Python console, not the debugger. For me, that is set to the default font (i.e., I am not overriding the default settings).

However, even though my code is in monospace, the debugger appear to be of the same font at the rest of the IDE (e.g., project file list, execution stack) - could I possibly reset that one? Thanks


Gt6989b Setting font in Preferences | Editor | Color Scheme | Console Font affects both Python console and debugger fonts. Valid for 2023.1.2


+1 thank you Andrey Resler this worked


October 23, 2024. 

Nothing works. This: 

Preferences | Editor | Color Scheme | Console Font

Only changes the console, but nothing inside the “Threads & Variables” tab. So, How do I create bigger watches letters when I am debugging? 


