scala editor very very slow

... and that on an i7 4770K. 

Autocomplete on any non-trivial class is very slow (effectively making copy-paste my preferred choice), same goes for error marking. I tend to just compile the code rather than wait for intellij to show me the errors.

It it possible for the editor to be optimised in the future? Or maybe more multithreading?

Btw, intellij has plenty of free memory when the slowdowns occur.



Thanks for the report! Please consider capturing CPU snapshots, as described in "Reporting Performance Problems" - they may really help us to debug and to fix the issue.

I observe the same behavior. I experience this with the latest Ultimate version on a tiny sbt project.

I have uploaded these files to your ftp:
I have scala code in a different gradle project and do not have these problems there.
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Any update on this? Seems to be a widespread issue.


same here - the compiler is faster at showing errors at least if the project is big

the same is true for general performance. i have a lagre project and a small project i am working on, and in the small one, every feature is very fast, including autocompletion

in the large project, every action takes 1-2 seconds (after idea has build its secret caches - the first few minutes after opening the project are always very slow)


My i7 4770K needs several seconds to suggest autocomplete options and for some classes it takes a lot of time for the editor to hightlight errors. The code is pretty standard, no implicits etc. Parts of the code that use typesafe's slick are extremely slow to edit within the editor.

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Uploaded ->

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Please try the nightly build 2017.1.908 of the scala plugin or newest versions for IDEA 2017.2 EAP.

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@Clintomed Have you tried nightly or IDEA 2017.2 EAP? If it doesn't help please attach your snapshots.

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This problem persists in 2017.2.5. As pristine as I can make my setup—no other applications running, ran invalidate caches and restart, and so on—non-trivial Scala projects are unusably slow. It's not consistently so, however. There are moments of responsiveness, but I'm often waiting a second or two before my input registers. I won't even get started on autocomplete lag. There's some gain to be had by deleting my project's .idea directory and starting from scratch, but I can't afford to do this too many times a day given how long it takes to regenerate project files. I've historically experienced performance problems with the Scala plugin, but it seems to have recently hit a new low. FYI, this is on a 2016 MacBook Pro with 16 GB of RAM and a 2.9 GHz Core i7 (not highest end, but no slouch).

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Please attach log directory or performance snapshot. 


I have uploaded snapshot :

Issue: Editor performance slows down over time significantly, especially when opening complex Scala file.

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Can you also upload a memory snapshot? Looks like garbage collection is to blame. Also, you may try to increase -Xmx for IDEA process (Help -> Edit Custom VM Options), default is often not enough for scala projects.


Hi Nikolay!

Thanks for the suggestion! We have upped the Xmx settings and it does wonder! We are not experiencing the lag any longer.

