Php Storm 2017.1 --- Font Size Tiny and Will Not Change


Attached are two images supporting the following problem.

I upgraded to 2017.1 and now the font size of my editor window is tiny.  

I attempted to increase the font size in two different places: Appearance, and Editor Color/Fonts.

I re-started Phpstorm after changing the settings.  But they do not change the font size.





Hi there,

For what elements/window are you trying to change the font size?

Terminal (since you have that window in background)?

If so -- check it under "Console Font" and not just "Font"

If it's about GUI elements (buttons etc) -- it should be on first screenshot -- on very top that "13" number that is disabled.


I am also having the same problem. After upgrading to 2017.1, the fonts are too small and can't be set back.


Could you please explicitly show where exactly the font is too small?
Erik said it's the Editor window, however the screenshots show the Terminal tool window, which, as Andriy mentioned, controlled by Console Font.

Elin, please attach a screenshot. 


After invalidating caches and importing the settings from an old export file (settings.jar) I cannot reproduce the issue any more. I'm not sure if it is invalidating the caches or importing the settings fixed the issue for me. I was desperately trying to fix it and now it looks good for me.

For future readers, I can list what I've done. I didn't use any workarounds.

- I've imported the settings from an old export file which I made for some weeks ago. This didn't fix the issue at the first sight.

- I've invalidated the caches and restarted the IDE (File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart ...). The issue was still there.

- I've grepped the contents of the settings.jar to find out the font size at the time I exported the settings. It was 18.

- I've checked the current settings (after importing from settings.jar): The font size was set to 12 (!!). That means importing the settings is somehow buggy.

- I've changed the font size back to 18, and the fonts are great again :)

I'm sure that I played around with font sizes this morning to no avail. That's why I think it is invalidating the caches which solved the issue on my case.

Permanently deleted user

For me, the small font problem was in the Terminal Tool.  I have not yet re-installed 2017.  Can you confirm this should not be a bug?  

Permanently deleted user

I went ahead and re-installed 2017.  The font size can be changed as expected when adjusting in: "Console Font" and not just "Font".  

Resize will not occur until restarting the program.


I had this issue with 2017.2 when exporting settings.jar from Linux to Windows. My fix was easy, just ensure you change the Color Scheme Font as well:


- Editor > Font
- Editor > Color Scheme > Color Scheme Font  (I forgot this one)



To be more precise, we cannot change the font of the terminal immediately and on the fly. That's the sad truth but that's how terminal application work.

To change the font without restarting PhpStorm, just close all the terminal tabs with red X button and open it again - new font will be applied.

