Problems with Interactive Plotting in Debug Mode in PyCharm Version 2017.1
In earlier Versions of PyCharm it was possible to interactively plot a figure with matplotlib in the debug console without blocking the console. Example:
- plt.imshow(2dgrid)
directly opened the figure. I could do it several times to look at different results while in debugging mode.
Since 2017.1 I have to manually call show() which then blocks the console until the figure is destroyed. Example:
- plt.imshow(2dgrid)
Without the figure does not open up. Additionallay blocks the console. Trying crashes the figure. Process finished with exit code -805306369 (0xCFFFFFFF)
I hope my problem is comprehensible. Is this a bug under Version 2017.1?
I am having the exact same problem. Makes me regret switching to 2017.1 from 2016.3 because I use plotting in the debugger as my primary tool.
There is already a solution for this problem:
In PyCharm go to:
works for me now, thanks for pointing to the solution.
I am still having troubles with matplotlib, even doing what is recommended here. I need help.
You can show the plots in a separate window using the hint from
.... Check you have an option "Show plots in toolwindow" enabled in Settings | Tools | Python Scientific. After that you can run a script which contains call and your graph will appear in a tool window "SciView".
I am also facing this problem on version PyCharm 2021.3.1 (Community Edition). And the fix (adding env, DISPLAY = True) does not help.
And it seems below link is also broke.
Can someone help me on this ?
Having this issue with 2024.1 IntelliJ IDEA (Community Edition).