Unable to install custom colors & fonts theme PhpStorm2017.1
I'm on macOS Sierra Version 10.12.3 and using PHPStorm version 2017.1. I've tried placing the .icls file in ~/Library/Preferences/PhpStorm2017.1/colors and /Library/Preferences/PhpStorm2017.1/config/colors with no luck. I've checked the official doc on Colors & Fonts but it's silent on adding font files. I'm positive the .icls file works because I got it working on my Windows 10 PhpStorm.
~/Library/Preferences/PhpStorm2017.1/colors is the correct folder! When I pasted the file I was missing the first two characters.
I have the same issue on Ubuntu 16.04 copy the .icls file to /home/<user>/.PhpStorm2017.1/config/colors fire up PhpStorm and the new theme doesn't show in the drop down. Is this the correct path for Ubuntu?
Sounds right.
Directories used by the IDE to store settings, caches, plugins and logs
If not sure -- go in "Settings | Colors & Fonts" and create your own schema (try simple unique word) -- then look for that new .icls file on your disk.
Duplicated one of the existing themes changed the name saved altered it saved. Look in the /home/<user>/.PhpStorm2017.1/config/ no colors folder. Tried using locate and find to fine the file on the disk doesn't exist.
Any suggestions?
Well .. OK...
1) Have you restarted IDE since then?
2) Where "Help | Show Log in ..." takes you to?
3) What idea.log has to say (please share it: exit IDE; find and delete that file; launch IDE and try that thing with color scheme -- then show that file)
4) Just to be clear -- where do you check for new theme? Screenshot please. Maybe you do something wrong (e.g. checking at the wrong place/confused with GUI Theme)?
1) Restarted the IDE multiple times
2) Takes me to home/.PhpStorm2017.1/system/log
3) Is there a way to upload the log file or just copy and paste?
2) You mean /home/USERNAME/.PhpStorm2017.1/ ?
3) Dropbox/Google Drive or alike
Do you use Settings Repository plugin by any chance? if so -- please show what what other folders you have in /home/USERNAME/.PhpStorm2017.1/ as well as /home/USERNAME/.PhpStorm2017.1/config
2) https://www.dropbox.com/s/x9u1qf4k6u26ip5/idea.log?dl=0
It appears that deleting the idea.log file fixed something the folder is showing up now with the .icls file inside. Thanks for the assistance greatly appreciated.
I could not find any paths in this log that I was hoping to see...
In any case -- what is the theme that you were trying to add? I see one named "Material Peacock.icls" .. and apparently it has some issues (it's a bit incomplete -- missing some tag). Could you share it as well?
As for /home/.PhpStorm2017.1/ (as per your screenshot) -- "Home" here means your user home folder .. which is "/home/neal/" (or just "~/")
Could you please show me what folders you see in please show what what other folders you have in ~/.PhpStorm2017.1/ as well as ~/.PhpStorm2017.1/config (including any hidden folders)
So .. it's working now? Great.
Install new themes: Settings > Color Scheme > gear > Import Scheme > <Folder where the theme was downloaded >