Unwanted second debug window starts automatically

Ever since the update to version 2017, I've had an issue with unwanted debug tabs opening up with prolonged pauses. I will start a session with a breakpoint, and start stepping through my code. If after around 2 - 2 1/2 minutes I haven't completed the session and let it run, a second debug window will automatically pop up at my first breakpoint. If I kill it, it then kills the page, even though I can still run through my code in the first tab. Eventually other debug tabs will start opening as well This is very irritating, and nothing I've seen before in prior versions. Is there some sort of new settings that enables this, or some way to turn it off?



Hi there,

>Is there some sort of new settings that enables this, or some way to turn it off?

New settings -- no. If you had the same project working OK in previous 2016.x version then all the settings should be left untouched in 2017.1.

But .. the best option you can check is max number if simultaneous debug session for xdebug in PhpStorm settings -- AFAIK it was lifted from default 1 to a bigger value (but this affects new projects only).

You better check the source of such behaviour -- check what URL triggers it. It could be your cron job .. or some AJAX call on your site (most likely source). When such new session starts just check the corresponding $_SERVER fields etc. to see what URLs/etc got hit/called it. Collecting xdebug logs may also help.

