Expecting newline or semicolon error in AngularJS HTML Template
Since upgrading to 2017.2 I'm seeing this error in an AngularJS template HTML file. tab-title is an input binding on a component.
The error is: Expecting newline or semicolon. Obviously there is no error here.
You'll notice it's also weirdly highlighting the word "Title" with italics and a different color. Any idea what's going on here? Thanks.
may be related to https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-28028... Please can you check if the problem persists in 2017.2.2 EAP when it becomes available?
Still having this issue on 2017.2.2 (172.3757.55)
Could you please provide a complete code sample so that we could reproduce the issue?
Excuse me, but this issue has NOTHING to do with XSLT.
What files are getting this error? This file, for one, entitled "enrollment.html."
And where is it getting it? The "class" and "style" attributes. STANDARD HTML ATTRIBUTES.
Why is it getting it? The AngularJS plugin is expecting an AngularJS expression on these attributes. Wrong. Attributes named simply "class" and "style" are NEVER designed to accept AngularJS expressions. Even if the directive is a custom element, "class" and "style" attributes without prefixes (e.g., "class" as opposed to "ng-class", "style" as opposed to "ng-style") will ALWAYS be expected to have the same syntax that they do in HTML global attributes.
Two pictures are attached to show that loading the AngularJS plugin is directly responsible for the errors.
With Angular plugin enabled:
>Excuse me, but this issue has NOTHING to do with XSLT.
exactly, https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-28028 is not about XSLT:)
Anyway, it's fixed in 2017.2.2, so your issue is likely different. please attach a screenshot of Settings | Editor | Language Injections page
Has this issue been solved? Because I still have it with latest build:
Looks like your issue is different - you have Angular injected in a value of Angular component(?) attribute, not in class or style attributes... Please can you provide af-form-group definition (as a code snippet/file)?
The other issue (errors in ng-options value) is tracked as https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-28294
Thanks! It's a known issue also, please follow https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WEB-29774 for updates