Any issues with High Sierra?
We're coming up on the GA release of High Sierra? Any issues that would prevent a Java developer and JetBrains customer from updating?
Ever since upgrade to High Sierra I have serious performance issues with IntelliJ IDEA. I'm not sure if this is caused by the new file system. Our project is large but it was not causing performance issues before.
A few folks on my team let me know of a workaround:
Yes, see
Is it possible to resolve with a IDEA release or does it require a bugfix from Apple?
no problems at all. I have high sierra installed on a macrpo and on macbook pro and it works as it should.
It's not clear yet if the issue can be fixed on the side of JetBrains Runtime. It may also affect only some users.
Please report new issue to YouTrack: , attaching log folder zipped and CPU/Memory dumps:
Local history does not work for me. We do use bazel though.
You can try removing idea.system.path to reset the local history:
I've also had serious performance issues with pycharm and osx 10.13. It's to the point where I cannot use pycharm because editing a single file will cause my machine to spike in cpu utilization to the point where everything slows down and the pycharm editor pauses every second.
Please report performance issues at and always attach the CPU snapshot:
I tried to install fresh. it failed with "no mountable file systems"
raised bug:
It looks like a problem with the download, verify the checksum. See also
I am having an issue with screen flicker. The screen turns briefly (300 ms maybe) black, then returns to normal. It seems to be associated when moving between desktops, but it doesnt happen all the time, maybe 3% of the time when I switch desktops. I cant tell if it happens any other time. I cant reproduce it so I dont know. It seems also occur more when I use intellij and webstorm. Much more with intellij. But again I cant reproduce it so I dont know. There is this thread on apple support.
With the latest update of high Sierra PYcharm does not run anymore
Please file a ticket to support with the details of the problem. There should be some error if you try to run it from the Terminal.
it runs the program, the program just immediately stops responding, there is no error.
If it stops responding, refer to
I'm seeing this when attempting to start PyCharm - macOS High Sierra 10.13.3.
Nothing in the ~/Library/Logs/PyCharm2017.3 folder.
Any ideas?
Try rebooting the system, there could be some problem with networking. may also help.
Resetting the network is another thing to try:
Hi Serge,
Thanks for the suggestions - unfortunately none of them seemed to help.
I've checked network usage with 'lsof', it doesn't look like there are any collisions - is there a comprehensive list of ports/addresses that PyCharm will use?
What does `hostname` command return? Can you ping the address returned by the hostname command?
I found a very weird behavior after updating to High Sierra. It is when I press command + S, it did not save, instead it cut the latest text I typed into the new cursor.
Check if this shortcut is redefined in globally in OS or configured in other program, e.g. if you have some keyboard manager installed.
Also check what action for the Cmd+S shortcut is defined in IDE Preferences | Keymap settings.
If you have any 3rd plugins installed try with them disabled.