Order results in find window

First of all, the find preview popup has a different order than the find window, that's very annoying.

The find window has a few options, at least 1 for sorting, but every order is strange. Is there a way to get 'normal' search results? Not grouped by folder, file, module, whatever? Just all occurences. Not ordered by filename, which makes absolutely no sense:

JS, tests, controllers and templates all mixed up. How could that possibly be a useful order?

Both the preview popup and the results window are unnatural. Is there a way to get results in the order the sidebar project is in? Full paths abc-sorted case insensitive. That makes it easy to skip parts, and know where you are. A module's results are together, all templates are together, you can skip tests, etc.

Permanently deleted user

Yes, I've tried them all, and all combinations. I don't want folder grouping and file grouping. The Group by directory order is the right order, but I don't like all the grouping. It's pretty close, but it doesn't read very easily.

Any chance of a new order/display method?: full file paths, no grouping, context lines around matches, ordered like Group by directory.


I seriously cannot believe that it is still not possible to simply SORT Find results!

Hell, even my Commodore 64 could do that, and that was 40 YEARS AGO. 😑


Did you try to use various grouping options on a left? E.g. this one allows grouping by path:

Permanently deleted user

Please submit the feature request to our tracking system here: http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issues/IDEA#newissue=yes.


This seems to be an old post but I wanted to do the same as this post.I don't want to have to expand every single file in order to see the match.


Click on "Expand All" button there:


All the consequent searches would get opened expanded afterward.


Sergio Vazquez II

Please describe how exactly you want results to be sorted & why current options don't work for you.

If you disable all grouping options, find results are sorted alphabetically:



I want to sort the results by last modified date of the files ? Is this possible I guess not.


Thanks, that's a good point. Unfortunately it's not possible yet but we have corresponding feature requests on our tracker:

https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-225430 & https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-171402. To everyone interested in addressing this problem: it would help if you vote or comment for those issue reports.


even if we cannot choose sort, at least there could be same order for the results every time. Its so hard to check all places when order is being different each time you search

