Bug on keymap - ctrl + slash


I am using linux mint in a dell latitude E5470. The comments shortcut CTRL+Slash is not working.

I checked the page below and realize that the problem is different


1-Intellij recognize slash when I use it individually

2-Intellij recognize CTRL when I use other combinations like CTRL+A or CTRL+right arrow and so on...


At keymap configuration I removed the previous shortcut and tried to add again. When I pressed CTRL+"/" Intellij recognized as "CTRL + Semicolon". So I pressed "/" individually and keymap recognized as "Slash". So... there is some crazy thing that avoid intellij recognize the combination. But is still mapping each key correctly.

it was working before and stopped to work. I restarted intellij, cleared cache and nothing helped. I am using scala plugin.

it was working before and stopped to work. I restarted intellij, cleared cache and nothing helped. I am using scala plugin.

By the way... If I press FN + (key on left side of slash that is supposed to be ".") intelij recognize it as colon only on shortcut windows. If I try to type the "." only it works... the same problem is not happening on eclipse. which means the problem is not on operating system mapping

Permanently deleted user

I had the same problem, but found a solution that worked for me on Fedora 29 with Gnome 3 and with two different configured keyboard layouts. I use the EurKey (US based) and German keyboard layout and noticed that when pressing ctrl + / (i.e. the key that is slash on the EurKey layout, that I use for programming) it falls back to minus which is the mapping to that key on the German layout.

The fix for me was to change the order of the configured layouts in my Fedora settings. Settings -> Region & Language -> Input Sources, use the arrows to move the layout that you use for Intellij to the top.

Permanently deleted user

Took me sometime to find this: Keymaps -> "Use national layouts for shortcuts".

Fixes layout order.

Permanently deleted user

Serge Baranov, I have same bug. 

Ubuntu 16.10 with KDE. Ctrl+/ mapped to Ctrl+. It's not about locales. Bug reproduces on both Russian and English locales. On different variants. Other applications works with fine with this shortcut.

IDEA 2017.3.5, IDEA 2018.1

Permanently deleted user

Oh wow! The fix suggested by @Ts actually worked! It seems the IDE is using the default keyboard layout in that case (for some unknown reason). My default was pt-br ABNT2 layout (even though I was currently using a custom US layout) and indeed the key that is supposed to be in the "slash" position is the ";" (which was being reported when I tried changing the shortcut in the IDE).



@Ts fix works: Move the desired layout to be the first one (default) in Settings -> Region & Language -> Input Sources



Your issue is unrelated. Make sure you have https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/9525--env-files-support installed and enabled, and .env files are associated with this plug-in in Settings | Editor | File Types.

The comment feature and the syntax used for comments depends on the language plug-in.


Did you try adding -Dcom.jetbrains.use.old.keyevent.processing=true in Help | Edit Custom VM Options?

Permanently deleted user

Unfortunately no effect.

Permanently deleted user

Same issue. Slash itself recognised well, but with Ctrl it come up as Ctrl+.

I'm using Archlinux and Gnome, Webstorm 2018.1


Does it happen in other Java Swing applications like JEdit or NetBeans?

Permanently deleted user

Just tried. Yes, it happens in JEdit. NetBeans seems to work correctly.


Thanks @...!

In my case I was unable to enter a backslash "\" with the default key-combination Shift+Alt+7. Disabling "Use national layouts for shortcuts" in PHPStorm did solve that problem for me.

About the problem:
Shift + 7 produces a normal slash "/"
Shift + Alt + 7 produces a backslash "\"
PHPStorm did incorrectly apply the keybinding for "Shift + Alt + /" instead of typing the backslash character


i have same issue upgrading from 2022 to 2023. Me and coworker both have this.

Before .env files and using ctrl + / gives a #. like #value

after updating it gives this. ; value

I tried Boris suggestion of national layouts and switching the Region Language from Ts , didnt work. I only had ENGLISH(US)


I have a similar issue using IntelliJ IDEA 2023.1.7 (Ultimate Edition). I use MacOS 14.5 (23F79) and Input Source Brazilian - ABNT2. The slash character key works correctly when coding, but it is recognized as an underscore when hitting shortcuts.

