Is there any CLion performance issues on the latest macOS (10.13.1)?
Is it my personal performance problem?
I've updated macOS to 10.13.1 (17B48) after that CLion (2017.2.3, build 172.4343.16) works extremely slow (mouse lags, slow windows rendering etc).
Hi, Max.
We are sincerely sorry for the inconvenience. We didn't get such feedback yet. Could you please capture a CPU snapshot or a thread dump and send it to clion-support at
Max, try version 2017.3. It has fixed CPU hogging issues that may be the reason for what you are observing.
At least for me and my colleagues, it has.
I have version 2017.3 on High Sierra (10.13.1) with 16GB and it the performance is horrible. Since I swithched to High Sierra and started using CLion at about the same time, I'm not sure which is to blame. I really want to use CLion (the VIM support is great - so far), but I can't use it if performance doesn't improve.
Michel, yes 2017.3 is much better - I do not have lags any more and memory consumption of CLion is about 3GB instead of 7-8GB with 2017.2.3.
Rzemer, I have CLion 2017.3, MacOS 10.13.1 on MacBook Pro with i7 & 16GB.
Rzemer, please try enabling memory indicator (Preferences | Appearance & Behavior | Appearance | Show memory indicator) and keep an eye on it for some time. If it is close to the limit at the time when you are experiencing the problems, then try to increase the Xmx JVM option according to this guide. If it does not help, please capture a CPU snapshot or a thread dump and send it to clion-support at