Anyone happen to know what ^ + ⌘ + ↓ (Ctrl + Cmd + Down arrow) is supposed to do?


As an old-school Sublime user, I have remapped this combo to "Move line down". However, when I do this, it seems there's some other default action that the IDE is trying to do in response to this key combo, as it also gives me the "oops, you did something wrong" Mac alert sound. I know for sure it's an IDEA issue, because it doesn't happen in other apps.

This is quite annoying, and I'd like to disable it, but I can't find anything in the keymap. If anyone has any ideas (uh, no pun intended) I'd be grateful.


Please check for similar issues in other apps on Mac.


That is fascinating. And irritating. Good find.


Will JetBrains try to find a solution like Sublime Text did?


Thank you Petr,

That's what I did, but I wondered if JetBrains was considering facilitating the process, as Sublime Text did.


I've been using PHPStorm for many years with this key combo, and have never had any issue. Some reason it just started happening on my Mac this past week.

I did not update my OS
I did not update PhpStorm
I don't think I changed any major settings.

Anyways setting ~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict with the correct instructions per the Adobe Brackets instructions did fix this.

