Intelli IDEA opens git bash in a separate window than the IDE!!
Intelli IDEA opens git bash in a separate window than the IDE!!. I configured to use git-bash.exe instead of cmd.exe on my windows box. But IDEA opens in a
new window rather than embedded with the IDE. Take a look at the picture
What path do you use for the terminal?
c:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe works fine for me.
Thanks, that fixed the issue. I was using Git-bash.exe outside bin folder.
Use `c:\Program Files\Git\bin\bash.exe` instead.
In Windows 10 you can configure git bash as intellij's terminal like this:
Cmder is a GUI terminal app that runs some command line shell (cmd.exe, powershell.exe, bash.exe), it cannot be used directly inside the IDE Terminal. You have to use the shell executable path itself.
for me this one worked:
"C:\Program Files\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i
got it from here:
Maybe shout some more @Ramkumar :)
@Serge thanks!
Serge. I did as you suggested, and it worked. Thank you.
Thank you Serge. This solution worked for me as well.
thank you Serge Baranov. it worked for me too
I have the same issue with Cmder. My path is the following: "H:\Programmes\cmder\Cmder.exe".
"Programmes" is a folder I created myself. There is no executable in "H:\Programmes\cmder\bin".
What can I do?
It worked, tnx.
Serge Baranov Could you edit your first answer and somehow emphasize the `bin` subfolder on the path :)
I did not notice it and I had to reinstall Git twice before I realized that they keep `git-bash.exe` in the root folder and `bash.exe` in the `bin` folder :)
When I installed git-bash, it put my bash.exe in C:\Program Files\Git\git-bash.exe. I have that in my shell path, along with tab-name = local and all checkboxes checked. I get my git-bash in a separate window.
Any fix for this? PhpStorm 2019.2.3