How to disable the DaemonCodeAnalyzer for a LightVirtualFile?
Hi, I created a a LightVirtualFile:
LightVirtualFile snippetFile = new LightVirtualFile("", language, content);
then create an editor holding the document of the LightVirtualFile:
EditorTextField editor = EditorTextFieldProvider.getInstance().getEditorField();
FileViewProvider snippetViewProvider = PsiManager.getInstance(this.project).findViewProvider((VirtualFile)snippetFile);
if (snippetViewProvider != null)
How to disable the DaemonCodeAnalyzer of the EditorTextField?
Why do you want a full Editor without highlighting for a given language?
I have wanted to do this as well. Sometimes, I allow the user to enter code in a non-project context, you can see an example of when this appears in the UI in my doc here: I spent a while trying to do this a long time ago, IIRC you can do it with access to the Editor, but EditorTextField doesn't allow you that.